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Contracting Standards

We’re applying mass data analytics to transform the field of contracting. We’ve collected and analysed thousands of templates to develop a library of the highest contracting standards. 

In partnership with Intellext Contract Standards, we've created ContractIX, a tool to help you to help you streamline your processes and expedite business deals. Feel confident that you are covering all bases and protecting your interests.  

Conformed Clause Standard (CCS) Library

How does it work?


Firstly, we select a type of contract. The options include:

  • Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)
  • Data-Sharing Agreements (DSAs)
  • Data-Processing Agreements (DPAs)
  • Master Services Agreements (MSAs)

We then collect a large sample of, for example, NDAs through our members at World Commerce & Contracting and other public sources. 


Once we have our collection of NDAs, we apply Natural Language Processing (NLP) and pattern recognition technology to the sample. Common themes and provisions are identified and categorized. 

Big picture

The data generates a picture of the trends and priorities influencing today’s contracting practices. 

World Commerce & Contracting review

This data is then shared with our panel of experts. Using their collective experience, they review the findings in relation to our Contracting Principles and other emerging practices.

This collaborative effort produces a set of standards that takes market norms and finesses them to reflect best practice. These refinements are known as the Conformed Clause Standard (CCS). 

Conformed Clause Standard (CCS) published

The CCS is peer reviewed and approved, then published through the online application in a template format. As part of our community, you benefit from a customizable document that you can tailor to your needs.  


The CCS is a living resource. We regularly revise it in order to stay relevant to current practices. 

We always ensure that the CCS reflects and is consistent with our Contracting Principles and the Contract Design Pattern Library.