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Code of Conduct

The Association:

  • Established to provide and promote leadership and support for the commercial contract management profession.
  • Upholds and encourages the highest standards in professional and personal behavior.
  • Strives to increase knowledge that would benefit job performance in the field of commercial contract management.
  • Promotes active learning, personal development and the sharing of best practice.
  • Represents and interacts with its members with respect, dignity and in a timely manner.
  • Uses members' data for the sole purpose of the Association and to further the interests of the membership.
  • Does not sell members' data to third parties and or release such data to third parties without the members' express knowledge.
  • Works with suppliers of contract and commercial management products and services in a non-partisan, neutral and objective manner.

The Members (all World Commerce & Contracting members no matter what type of membership):

  • Behave and work with the highest professional and ethical standards of integrity, acting in a manner that upholds the Association vision and mission.
  • Act in a manner that is in the best interest of their employer and its reputation in society. 
  • Use every opportunity to advance the reputation of the profession through individual contribution, team or functional leadership and participation in the Association.
  • Meet their obligations to the Association and fellow members, including respect for privacy and personal information.
  • Comply with all applicable laws and regulations including competition / antitrust laws.
  • Make appropriate use of knowledge or information resulting from Association Membership.
  • Protect the intellectual property of the Association and ensure its use in an approved manner.
  • Protect User Logins and Passwords and keeping them personal by not sharing them with others recognizing that membership is personal, even if part of a corporate membership, and that each individual is responsible for the appropriate use of their account.
  • Accept and abide by the World Commerce & Contracting Code of Conduct and report any members who are not in accordance with the Code.

Service Provider & Vendor Members: (All World Commerce & Contracting Service Provider & Vendor members regardless of the type of membership)

In addition to the above, Service Provider & Vendor members are not permitted to access any member databases and will not directly contact members unless approved or initiated by the member or utilize World Commerce & Contracting events, forums, discussion groups, etc. for solicitation purposes without the prior approval of the WorldCC.

Guidance and Complaints in Respect to the Application of the Code of Conduct:

Any action that is perceived contrary to the World Commerce & Contracting Code should be reported immediately to the Association's Ethics Committee. The Ethics Committee will then review the issue and make recommendations to the WorldCC Board as to the appropriate action to be taken if necessary.

The Ethics Committee can be contacted via the following email address:


The Association may at its sole discretion:

  • Revoke membership, individual, corporate or vendor, and/or certification as a result of any individual being found to have breached the World Commerce & Contracting Code
  • Revoke certification of anyone found to have achieved certification based on false information
  • Revoke membership, individual, corporate or vendor, and/or certification, and/or suspend or terminate access to the members only area of the Association web site as a result of any individual sharing their user id and password.