Using NEC outside of the UK - an update
This update is intended to encourage consideration of NEC contracts in new countries as well as as...
Schrems II judgment will impact international personal data transfers - why you should act now
Small and medium-sized businesses from diverse sectors and countries face considerable uncertainty...
White Paper: Procurement: Look to the Future, Not the Past
It is a question many have asked, but until now, no one has run a study directly comparing the vie...
The Negotiation Room Part 2: Is Negotiation Dead? No, but procurement is.
Continuing our hugely popular Negotiation Room series, this instalment focuses on the future of ne...
Time Zone 2: Contracts & Commercial benchmarks: what does good look like?
Join us for 20 minutes to gain quick-fire insights to the key data that is emerging from WorldCC&r...
Time Zone 1: Contracts & Commercial benchmarks: what does good look like?
APAC - Social Value Contracting
This workshop will help you understand how you can start your journey in social value contracting ...
When ESG and Supply Chains Collide
This workshop will help you understand how you can start your journey in contracting with a focus ...
CCM Expert Program & Evaluation of Delay Claims in Construction
The current pandemic has led to a sharp increase in claims in the world of contracts....
Top 4 KPIs to Measure the Success of Your CLM Implementation - With Contract Logix
Contracting and in-house legal teams continue to face tremendous pressure to digitally transform t...