Procurement can add value to the business….but have we been listening? - with App Orchid
An interview with Mike O’Brien, Chief Procurement Officer and Head of ContractAI at App Orch...
What does sustainability really mean to you?
“Sustainability is not a mere procurement responsibility, it is a cultural behavior that sho...
Purchase Price Cost Analysis
Purchase Price Cost Analysis (PPCA) is a tool for establishing a detailed understanding of a suppl...
Wind Power Energy
Wind can drive wind turbines to produce electrical power, windmills to produce mechanical power, ...
Climate-Smart PPPs
The majority of greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions today is associated with carbon-inten...
Public-Private Resource Center...
Contracts for Difference
The purpose of Contracts for Difference is to incentivize investments in new low-carbon electricit...
Renewable power purchase agreements
Electricity and wind energy contracts are known as “Power Purchase Agreements” or PPAs...
Power Purchase Agreements
If you are wondering what a PPA is, how it works, or how to optimize it for your renewable project...
Guide for Designing Contracts for Renewable Energy Procured by Auctions
This guide focuses on the design of the contract to be auctioned, and it proposes a check list of ...