Developing an RFP and selection criteria for a SaaS provider
The SaaS market is developing fast so the questions you asked – and answers you received &nd...
Fragility in construction project execution
While the final deliverable from a major construction project may be robust and, even better, resi...
Re-imagining retail and CPG relationships as an eco-system of contracts
Facing an unparalleled challenge during the pandemic, individuals and organizations in retail, foo...
Risk management and ESG: Understanding your obligations
Travis Miller, author of The Lawyer's Corporate Social Responsibility Deskbook and Guide to Su...
Meet the Author with Patrick Aylward: The Collaborative Path
Debate is the default approach to human interaction, and it has been since the days of Socrates. A...
The Benchmark Report 2021: Final Release of the Most Anticipated Research of the Year - with Icertis
The world, and commerce and contracting, has experienced extraordinary and unrivalled change in th...
Resolving lessons truly learned must start and end with change
As you know, during 2020, the global pandemic caused many companies to decentralize their workforc...
How can Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) prevent repeated mistakes with supply chains & risk management transactions?
Too many CFOs are not sufficiently informed about the thousands of daily supply chain transactions...
In the room where it happens
Procurement lives in the room where it happens, but the real question is, how do we stay there?...
New infographic designs the right solution
As technology advances and we are dazzled by Artificial Intelligence (AI) robots that can do lots ...