TRG UK Law Update - November 2021
Welcome to the latest issue of the TRG Update. Hopefully, you will find it interesting and useful....
Collaborative Procurement: Escaping the Bermuda Triangle
The construction sector accounts for millions of jobs, billions of spend and huge carbon emissions...
Discover Leading Practices in Contract & Commercial Management
The UK’s National Audit Office is perhaps unique in its determination to pre-empt failure. A...
Gut feeling or qualifications-based selection, which is right?
Conventional wisdom would say that the biggest single mistake people make whether in life or in bu...
Rebutting contractual intent: can subject-to-contract label be implied?
When a subject-to-contract label is added to the content of a letter or e-mail, the label makes it...
Know Your Obligations (KYO) Don't Forget the Mission-Critical Commitments in your Complex Agreements
Know Your Obligations (KYO) - Don't Forget the Mission-Critical Commitments in your Complex Ag...
Meet the Author Series with Milva Finnegan: It is time to create contracts all users can understand!
Contracts today are complex and not user-friendly. The documents are written in black and white te...
The Commas That Cost Companies Millions
How much can a misplaced comma cost you? If you’re texting a loved one or dashing off an ema...
VendorPanel: Contract Management - Today's Innovations and the People Behind Them
Are you looking to make an impact and drive real change at your organization? Long known for risk ...
What’s happening to salaries?
“We just can’t find the right people.” In conversation after conversation, execu...