Member meeting en español- Contraction Agile
Contratos ágiles, aspectos generales y caso práctico (aplicación a supuestos concretos) Presentaci...
Commercial ethics: reflections on a turbulent year
For many, 2021 has once again been a year like no other. Volatile, uncertain, emotionally and inte...
Law firms embrace technology more assertively these days - how come?
The future of lawyers - why law firms should not be only about lawyers? This article answers that ...
How predictive modelling improves bid economics and outcomes
Too often bidding teams focus on opportunities to fill their pipeline and submit proposals for the...
Does a shift in collaboration affect you? If so, don't miss this, contract clarity matters!
The following two true scenarios are too often played out in a narrow business environment where p...
Contract Management - my bright star rising!
Our Contracting Excellence Journal editor recently interviewed Beatriz Antona about her unique sto...
Negotiating adult care home placements in the UK
Recently, I designed and delivered a one-day Effective Negotiation Skills training course for a Lo...
Is ESG only for companies that can afford it?
Is ESG only for companies that can afford it? Over recent years, ESG has become a prominent pa...
Designing contracts for trust and inclusion
Consumers are more loyal to brands that are transparent and the best organizations are striving to...
TRG UK Law Update - December 2021
In this edition we feature cases covering: Whether limitation clauses apply to wilful defaults The...