Ask The Expert: The APEC Collaborative Framework for Online Dispute Resolution of Cross-border B2B Disputes
The panel discusses the APEC Collaborative Framework for Online Dispute Resolution of Cross-border...
Agile procurement defines next wave of success - how well do you walk the talk?
A post by Julien Nadaud, Cheif Product Officer, Determine, Inc on Agile Procurement....
Webinar - Increase Your Team's Efficiency, Collaboration, and Productivity With Contract Management
We've all heard that our world is becoming more digital and influencing elements of our life and b...
Procurement and the battle for recognition
Marketing versus Procurement, Sales versus Procurement, the business versus Procurement ... If you...
Keynote address: General Motor's collaboration and digitization of the supply chain and collaborative interactions with suppliers - IACCM Americas Conference 2018
As General Motor's business partners increasingly look for digital interactions that almost have a...
Keynote address: Collaborating across boundaries with blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and emerging technologies - IACCM Americas Conference 2018
Human beings have relied on tools to extend our cognitive capabilities for thousands of years. Wit...
Webinar - Year-end reality check: It's crunch time for contracts
It's year-end and time to take a reality check during this crunch time for contracts. Effectively ...
Ask The Expert: How to get really efficient at reviewing contracts!
We all have too much to do, and not enough time to do it. Getting through the stack of contracts a...
Cracking the hardest nuts in IT contract negotiations:...
Keynote address: New tools, new systems, new technology, but did anyone fix the foundation? IACCM Americas Conference 2018
Two out of three megaprojects fail and the situation really doesn't seem to be getting any better....