Ask The Expert: Contract Lifecycle Management - the realities
Contract management systems are experiencing rapid adoption, but levels of user satisfaction conti...
Are you getting what you need?
Are you getting what you need to compete? 'More than 90% of respondents say they need to update th...
Coming of Age Digitally - Learning, Leadership, and Legacy
In the 2018 Digital Business Report, MIT SMR and Deloitte find that digitally maturing organizatio...
Webinar - Technology To Build Repeatable, Scalable, and Profitable Contract Processes
Listen to this Webinar: "Technology To Build Repeatable, Scalable, and Profitable Contract Process...
Cutting Legal Costs
Workload for the average law department has grown, but this has not made them immune to pressure f...
The Agile Manifesto was published as long ago as 2001, but agile is still a hot topic in project m...
Ask The Expert: Contract Automation: What System Should You Buy?
Ask The Expert: Contract Automation: What System Should You Buy? The drive to automate the contrac...
From CPO to CEO: a realistic aspiration?
Is moving from CPO to CEO: a realistic aspiration? CEOs of major corporations come from diverse ba...
Contract automation: what system to choose?
The momentum for automation is unstoppable and the contracting lifecycle will inevitably be caught...
Tackling value leakage: Invoice accuracy
This podcast draws on data from an IACCM research report that showed invoicing errors represent an...