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Modern Contracting Workshop

A purpose-built program to create confidence in working models and shared understanding.

Contract success hinges on agile, proactive teams. Delivering projects in these dynamic environments requires robust knowledge, contracting techniques, and commitment to continuous learning and adaptation. 29% of those in a typical organization, nearly three in ten individuals, are involved or impacted by the contracting lifecycle.


This program is designed to be immersive and action-oriented, helping you transform contracting from a routine task into a strategic advantage. Here's what you can expect:

Learning Format

The program combines three elements:

  1. Immersive Self-Paced Learning (20%): Gain foundational knowledge at your own pace through online modules, case studies, and resources.
  2. Interactive Group Workshops (60%): Deepen your understanding in interactive group sessions where you'll discuss and adapt concepts to real-world scenarios.
  3. Targeted Team Exercises (20%): Apply what you have learned directly to your current projects by working in smaller teams to identify areas for improvement and develop actionable plans.

Program Duration

The program lasts one month (5 weeks) with a manageable commitment of 2-3 hours per week.

  • Contextual Learning: Understand modern contracting principles within the broader project landscape.
  • Active Application: Throughout the program, you'll be encouraged to apply the frameworks and strategies you learn actively.
  • Team Collaboration: Work in small teams during weeks 2 and 4 to identify areas for improvement within your project.
  • Developing Action Plans: Learn how to spot opportunities for improvement and create detailed action plans to boost project performance.
  • Pitching for Impact: Develop valuable pitching skills by presenting your action plans in a final group workshop. The goal is to gain buy-in and resources to implement them.
  • Shortlisting for Implementation: From the final pitches, a shortlist of the most practical enhancements will be chosen for real-world application.
  • Sustainable Change and Performance: With sponsor backing, applying these strategies to real-world projects increases the chances of lasting change and improved performance.


for pricing

Facilitator-led, virtual or in-person
10-16 people per cohort