Open Government and Transparency Advisor to the Palmira Mayor's Office
I am a Colombian woman specialized in Public Procurement with a master's degree in public law and another in Social Innovation and Solidarity Economy. I am a woman passionate about transforming and contributing to the design of a better country through social inclusion and the vindication of public service. That is why I have dedicated my professional life, for more than 16 years, to innovate and generate transparency policies in government institutions of my country such as the Attorney General's Office, the Mayor's Office of Santiago de Cali and the Mayor's Office of Palmira.
I am currently serving as Open Government and Transparency Advisor to the Palmira Mayor's Office, where I lead the design and implementation of strategies that direct the current administration's goals: open data and open contracting for local economic development. My work is aimed at radiating values from the administration, empowering citizens from knowledge and positioning the entity's purchasing processes as sources of development opportunities for Palmira.